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Are you looking for a tree care professional to perform work on your trees or to provide consulting services?

A list of specialized tree care companies and qualified consultants is a just a few clicks away with the SIAQ's "FIND A TREE CARE PROFESSIONAL" search engine. By selecting your region and the service that you're looking for, you will be immediately directed to a list of commercial members working in your community.

Kindly note that the SIAQ is a volunteer based association and we do not provide referrals for specific companies or recommendations to consumers. We encourage you to contact our commercial members directly in order to discuss the work required and obtain a quotation/estimate for their services.

Have you been referred to us byHydro Québec ?

Do you have work to do near electrical wires? Are there trees in the work zone? Call a professional. If Hydro-Québec referred you to the SIAQ, it is to help you find a tree care professional among the SIAQ's list of commercial members.

Not sure what do to around the wires near your work zone? Answer Hydro-Québec's online questionnaire to see which situation applies to you. Hydro-Québec's online tool will help refer you to a list of companies authorized to work around electrical wires.

A list of specialized tree care companies, authorized by Hydro-Québec, is a just a few clicks away with the SIAQ's "FIND A TREE CARE PROFESSIONAL" search engine. By selecting your region and the service that you're looking for, you will be immediately directed to a list of commercial members working in your community.

Kindly note that the SIAQ is a volunteer based association and we do not provide referrals for specific companies or recommendations to consumers. We encourage you to contact our commercial members directly in order to discuss the work required and obtain a quotation/estimate for their services.

Got a question?

For all member and general public inquiries on the SIAQ's services or an arboriculture-related issue, please fill out the form below and we will follow up as soon as we can.

Our mailing address

P.O. Box 69042, Succ. Sainte-Dorothée
Laval (Québec) H7X 3M2

Contact us

If you have any further questions, please fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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